Friday, January 21, 2011

Arrival in Buenos Aires

As it turns out I`m Celeste and Gabriel´s first couch surfing guest. Their excitement energized the morning as we chatted over tea and the box of Trader Joes chocolates I`d brought them. Gabriel´s 12-year old daughter, Valentina was visiting and she was very fascinated by so many different flavors, shapes and names. Eventually I settled into my little room and being an office, I checked e-mail. It was if I hadn´t missed a beat--all of my businesses were still being businesses. All good. After awhile, Celeste made lunch, the rain had cleared and being that it was daylight I absolutely had to get out and look around.

Wandering around a strange city while horribly jet-lagged is a strange thing to do. I`d board unknown busses, wander aimlessly, find my head spinning, stare into the distance, steady myself and then take a picture of whatever. In any case I packed in a lot and head a great afternoon!

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